New tool to help homeowners navigate building consent exemptions
Since the new suite of building consent exemptions launched back in August 2020, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have been busy creating an online education tool for homeowners called Buildit.
Buildit allows homeowners to answer a few questions about an upcoming project and see if it needs a building consent, or if it could qualify as exempt building work. MBIE launched the tool with the most common homeowner focused exemptions and plan to further develop the tool and add more of the exemptions over time.
To use the Buildit tool, follow these three easy steps:
1. Find your project
Type in a project and choose the closest match.
2. Answer the questions
Make sure all questions are answered about the project.
3. Read through your next steps
Based on the answers submitted, the Buildit tool will determine whether the project needs a building consent, or if it may be exempt, and will give you a set of next steps to read through. These could include:
- Any additional rules and restrictions for the project.
- Links to the full project guidance on MBIE’s Building Performance website.
- How to comply with the Building Code.
- How to contact your local council to ensure your work complies with the District Plan.
- Useful rules and legislation to read through.
- Professionals you can contact if you need any further guidance.
13 July, 2021