Footpath Improvement Programme Begins in April
Footpaths have for many years received low scores in the Kaikōura District Residents Satisfaction Survey. In response footpaths were highlighted as a priority for investment in years 2 to 10 of the Council’s 2021-31 Long term Plan (LTP), and an accelerated footpath improvement programme will begin in April 2023.
Dave Clibbery, Senior Manager Operations said, “Underinvestment from previous years is apparent in the poor condition of our footpaths. Cost saving efforts over many years have resulted in a substantial amount of chip seal or gravel paths, which were less expensive to construct but have shorter lives.”
“These paths have now deteriorated to the point where replacement is required, and we are now attempting to tackle this backlog. This is likely to focus on the progressive replacement of the poorest sections of our paths and also looking at new, well designed concrete footpaths”.
“We see this as a priority to improve the quality of living for our elderly and less mobile residents, and key to this is easy access around the township with fewer uneven surfaces, potholes or other hazards.”
To address the backlog an increase in budget from $60k per annum to $160k per annum was agreed for the last nine years of the 2021 -2031 Long Term Plan (starting in the current financial year).
Whilst this additional investment is significant, it is not sufficient to replace all of the 43 kilometres of footpaths that we have, so the funding needs to be spent wisely and where there is the greatest need.
The required replacement and improvements also cannot be achieved all at once - it will take time. To ensure that work starts off and continues on the right foot a Footpath Improvement Working Group has been formed by Council. The Working Group will ensure the renewal programme has an independent steer from the community on which sections of footpaths should be prioritised.
The working group is currently considering the sections of the footpath network using a number of factors including current condition, path form and function, pedestrian volumes, safety of vulnerable pedestrians, traffic hazards and feedback from the Residents Satisfaction Survey.
The working group has met twice and at their next meeting on 28 February they will determine the initial sections of footpath to be replaced or improved by June 2023. They will also be working towards a plan for the remaining eight years of funding through to 2031.