Proposal for Dissolution of Kaikōura Enhancement Trust (KET) 2023
The purpose of disestablishing KET is due to the trust no longer being fit for purpose, restrictive in allowing the exploration for alternative options and needlessly using Council staff time and funding. A more detailed Statement of Proposal and associated information is available from Council on request.
It should be noted that because KET is listed as a Strategic Asset in the Council Long Term Plan (2021-2031) the proposed dissolution of KET will be given full public consultation.
Consultation Process:
The consultation period will be for one month from 1st November to 30th November 2023.
During this time information about the proposal will be available from the KDC website, Facebook group and local newspaper with a press release signaling the commencement of the consultation period. The community will be invited to provide their feedback by completing a submission questionnaire to indicate their preferred option.
The online submission form will be available on the KDC Website and links to this will be provided on Facebook. Paper-based submission forms will be available at KDC reception.
Submissions in respect of the proposed dissolution of KET can be made in writing or by completing the online submission form, addressed to
The Chief Executive, Kaikōura District Council
PO Box 6, KAIKŌURA 7300
Submissions must be received by 5pm 30th November 2023
For further details, and to access the online submission form, please see the links below: