North Canterbury Solidifies Structures for Three Waters
Local Waters Done Well is central governments’ new approach to the way that all local Councils across the country deliver three waters services (water supply, wastewater and stormwater). The new legislation sets out how Councils will be subject to both environmental as well as new economic regulation going forward.
Under the new legislation all Councils across the country are required to submit a Water Services Delivery Plan (WSDP) for approval from government by September 2025. The WSDP needs to outline the Council’s intended approach to the delivery of water services and an implementation plan for how those services will be delivered for at least the next 10 years. It must clearly demonstrate that water services delivery is financially sustainable in their own right to ensure sufficient investment is being made in these crucial services.
The government is encouraging Councils across the country to work together on joint solutions. Over the last few months, Kaikōura District Council has been engaging with both Hurunui and Waimakariri Councils as our North Canterbury neighbours to investigate options for working together more closely.
Our Council considered a paper at the Council meeting of the 26th February 2025 to identify a preferred option that is right for our community for the long term. The two other Councils have done similar work.
Below is a joint media statement from the Mayors of the three Districts outlining where we have landed with our preferred options. For Kaikōura and Hurunui our preferred option is to create a new joint Council Controlled Organisation (CCO,) owned by both Councils. More detail can be found in the full Council report.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Local Water Done Well?
Central government has passed legislation which requires Councils to identify and consult on options for the future delivery of water services. It replaces the previous government’s Three Water proposals and gives councils flexibility to determine for themselves the most suitable arrangement for the delivery of water services (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater – the “three waters”) for their communities.
What is Council’s preferred option?
To create a joint Water Services Council-Controlled Organisation (WSCCO), owned by Kaikōura District Council and Hurunui District Council for the delivery of water services to both districts.
Who would own the district’s water, stormwater and sewerage assets?
These would be transferred to the new joint WSCCO, which would also be responsible for the debt incurred in developing water and sewer infrastructure. The assets will continue to be used to support the communities which currently benefit from them. The new joint WSCCO would also be responsible for gathering water revenue.
Could the proposed joint WSCCO sell off Kaikōura's water assets?
The Local Government Water Services Bill does not allow privatisation.
Why is Council proposing this option?
Councils will adopt different structures for water services delivery based on their particular circumstances. Following the earthquake of 2016, KDC has undertaken major upgrades to its water infrastructure and this has positioned the district well for the future. The proposed model provides the best mitigation against future long term tariff increases for consumers and ensures professional governance for this important community infrastructure.
Would the cost of water and sewerage go up?
Costs of water and sewerage will go up under all the options to meet a new legislative requirement to ensure revenue can sustain long-term investment in water services.
When can I have my say?
Consultation opens 20 March 2025 and closes on 23rd April 2025. Hearings are planned for 7th & 8th of May.
We will have more information on Council’s website at when consultation opens on 20 March 2025.
Where can I find more information?
On Council’s website at