Kaikōura Spatial Plan

What is the Kaikōura Spatial Plan?
The Kaikōura Spatial Plan is a strategic guide to shape the future development of the Kaikōura township. The Spatial Plan sets out where and how the district should grow and develop over the next 30 years. The extended time frame will enable the district to proactively address and plan for anticipated changes, ensuring that any development growth aligns with the values and aspirations of the community.
The Kaikōura Spatial Plan will play a crucial role in shaping future land use patterns and guiding decisions relating to new zoning within the Kaikōura District Plan. The Plan will be used not only to inform local initiatives but will also have potential to influence regional and central government investment decisions.
The Kaikōura Spatial Plan has been collaboratively produced, integrating diverse perspectives from a range of partners (i.e. Kaikōura District Council Councillors and Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura), landowners, stakeholders, and the community. This inclusive approach fostered the creation of a shared vision that sets expectations for future growth, development, and connectivity within the district’s townships and rural settlements.
Adoption of Kaikōura Spatial Plan
The Kaikoura Spatial Plan was formally adopted by Kaikōura District Council on 18th December 2024.
Hearing and Deliberations Meeting
An Extraordinary Hearing and Deliberations Meeting was held on 6th November 2024.
12 submitters were heard, and all other submissions were acknowledged. All submissions were then deliberated by the Hearings Panel.
Consultation on the Draft Kaikōura Spatial Plan
The Kaikōura Spatial Plan was subject to public consultation from 12th September to 5pm on Friday 18th October 2024.
24 submissions were received, which were heard and deliberated by the Hearings Panel on 6th November 2024.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Planning team at Planning@Kaikoura.govt.nz