Consultation-K Springs Ltd Extension of Lease Area Proposal - CLOSED
Kaikōura Springs Ltd Wellness and Hot pools Development 2023:
Council approved granting of a lease to Kaikōura Springs Ltd (KSL) on the
25th of July 2022 for an area of recreational reserve located adjacent to the
Esplanade for the development of wellness hot pools. The lease term has
not yet commenced, but when it does, it will be for a period of 33 years.
KSL have subsequently indicated that they wish to increase the area of
reserve that they lease from the previously agreed 2400 square metres to a
new figure of 3000 square metres.
This increased lease area would be achieved by relocating the existing
public toilets, playground and barbeque area to an adjacent area of reserve
approximately 20 metres further east. The cost of relocating these facilities
would be met by the KSL, without placing any financial burden on ratepayers.
The rental for the site that was paid by KSL would also be increased if the
lease area was made greater.
As was the case when the concept of developing the old swimming pool site
was initially proposed, Council believes that matters relating to the use of that
site and the adjacent reserve should be subject to community consultation.
Accordingly Council seeks community feedback on the request of KSL to
increase the area that they will lease.
Submissions in respect of the proposed extension of lease area – Kaikoura
The public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers Wednesday 14th of February with a 1pm start. People who have indicated they wish to speak will be contacted individually to confirm their speaking times.