Council Environment Work
Significant Natural Areas (SNA) Programme
Kaikōura District has numerous public reserves and protected conservation areas, the largest of which is the Seaward Kaikōura Ranges. A Council study to identify all significant natural areas on private land has so far identified possible 155 sites.
Under Section 6(c) of the Resource Management Act 1991, Council has a responsibility to recognise and provide for the protection of areas of “significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna” as a matter of national importance. The SNA Project works with landowners to identify, protect and manage areas of significant biodiversity on their properties.
The District Plan also details policies and implementation methods for the SNA Programme.
The District Plan is currently being reviewed. Part of the review is expected to help confirm direction and set community expectation around the SNA programme.
What is a significant natural area?
The Resource Management Act 1991 places a responsibility on local authorities (Council) to protect areas of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna. How this should be done varies between regions and it is up to the Council to work with local land owners individually.
Significant natural areas in Kaikōura
Kaikōura District has numerous public reserves and conservation areas including the Seaward Kaikōura Ranges, which is the largest area of protected land. Council completed a study to identify all of the significant natural areas on private land in the District - so far 155 sites have been identified.
Council Environmental Initiatives
Environmental planning supports and assists landowners and the community with environmental projects. This includes funding support for landowners to set aside significant natural areas and protect these areas from future uses. The Council also provides funding for environmental projects, the amount of which may vary from year to year.
Examples of community projects that we have previously supported include:
- Flyers promoting cat owners keep their cats indoors at night to protect birdlife
- Flyers for the Rūnanga pest and predator trapping and control programmes
- Posters and signage highlighting Banded Dotterel nesting areas
- Supported a visit from the Young Ocean Explorers
- Sponsored an environmental award for the Kaikōura High School
- Paid a grant of $10,000 to Te Korowai O Marokura to support their work on protecting the marine and coastline environments and fishery resources.
What is a covenant?
An agreement or contract. Every covenant has its own particular requirements.