Wakatu Quay
There have been changes in this project where is it at?
After the departure of potential investors in late 2022 due to challenging market conditions, the Kaikōura District Council continued with the development after strong community support to take advantage of the full Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) government grant. The project was broken into multiple stages with the first stage focusing on the first building (Hospitality) as well as civil and landscape designs. The Detailed design is on track for completion at the end of May.
Who owns the land at Wakatu Quay?
Land ownership rests with Kaikōura District Council as freehold land on behalf of the entire community.
What are the likely economic benefits for Kaikōura as a result of this development?
Over time the development will provide economic benefits to the Kaikōura community as a new 'must-see attraction/environment', contributing to visitors staying in the district longer, employing locals in the onsite businesses as well as in other businesses throughout the district. During the construction phase there is the intent to utilise local businesses.
Isn’t this creating another shopping area in competition with West End?
It is not the intent that Wakatu Quay will have retail outlets in competition with businesses at West End. The development will create a new tourism and community attractions alongside the Link Pathway. It will create attractive public spaces for our community. We believe it will attract visitors who may not have stayed before and encourage visitors to stay longer and benefit all businesses in Kaikōura.
Will local builders and trades people have the opportunity to participate in the build?
Yes, The Project is releasing registration of Interest in April 2024 seeking those who wish to be considered with an Request for tender (RFT) sent shortly after. The project would like to engage as many local builders and trades people as possible.
How is the development being paid for?
The Wakatu Quay development is a joint Kānoa (MBIE) and Kaikōura District Council funded project.
Stage 1 of the development is funded through the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) , MBIE will provide $10.18m to the Wakatu Quay project. The Council will contribute $1.07m bringing the total project budget to $11.25m
Will it impact rates I pay in Kaikōura?
No, the intention has always been that this project is not a financial burden on ratepayers KDC as the building owner will receive rental which will cover loan costs and alleviate the need for the rate payer to contribute.
$11.25m is a lot of money where is it all going.
The information on the Council website goes into more detail. In summary, funding is distributed across building design & construction, civil works, seawalls, landscaping, roading, footpaths, Professional services and project costs.
I only see one building now but I have seen more before
In order to progress the project, priority was given to building a hospitality building to start along with landscape and infrastructure. Once full final costs becomes clear and should funds remain, the project will consider a second building or smaller tenancy buildings to boost local business opportunity.
Has the Kaikōura community had input into this design?
Yes, the Kaikōura community was asked for their ideas on what they would like to see at Wakatu Quay back in 2021. KDC ran a Special Consultative process in late 2023 seeking community feedback on funding the required contribution. After strong positive community support the Council decided to take the lead on the first stage of the development and include the remaining contribution in the 2024-34 Long Term Plan.
Has Te Rūnanga O Kaikōura been included and consulted on this development?
Yes, senior members of Te Rūnanga O Kaikōura (TROK) have been involved with the project right from the outset as a partner in obtaining the PGF funding from MBIE. Two senior members of TROK are members of KMDP board and participate in decision making on the project. A representative from Te Rūnanga O Kaikōura has been key in the korero on the cultural artwork proposed on the site. This is an exciting project and we are pleased to have the Rūnanga engagement and partnership in making this successful.
What ideas were put forward by the community?
Many suggestions were received from the community including, a quality restaurant preferably seafood, an aquarium, community space for children/adults to meet, fishing, community hub/facility/space, possible research facility/programmes providing an educational experience, art centre/gallery. Of course not everything can be included but these suggestions have been important in the path the project has taken to date.
What has been the inspiration for the buildings?
The buildings reflect and take direct influence from their rugged context, its thousands of years of geological uplift and heavily textured limestone that can be seen on the Peninsula and the immediate area surrounding the quay itself. The exterior cladding takes reference from the marine environment and the hull of many fishing boats.
How high will the buildings be?
The District Plan requires that the highest point on any building will be no more than 10 metres.
What is the exterior cladding of the buildings?
The exterior of all the buildings is clad in ziplocked marine grade aluminum. It is very strong, will withstand the environmental impacts and punishment of such an exposed location and has a very long lifespan. The cladding has been chosen after a significant amount of research and takes very strong influence from the marine history of the site.
Will the aluminum exterior be shiny and reflect in my windows?
Research from the manufacturer suggests that a natural weathering will develop as soon as it is left in an open salty environment. There is likely to be some reflection for the first 6-8 months but after that the reflectiveness quality will be replaced by a natural patina reducing any sparkling or reflectiveness.
Will members of the public still have access to the wharf for fishing?
Yes. The community will still have full access to the working wharf and can continue to fish and te manu. Vehicle access will be restricted to commercial vehicles with specific need to drive onto the wharf.
Where will visitors to Wakatu Quay park their vehicles?
Traffic & parking changes are included in the development planning and space will be made available within a short walking distance on Wakatu Quay road and Avoca Street
Will the development impact on the “working wharf” and the current users who bring their vessels alongside?
No. the design has been developed with the current commercial users of the wharf in mind. Access to the wharf by vehicles to unload fishing boats has been maintained.
Wont waves hit the building in storms?
Yes, it is likely however recent upgrades to the seawalls have raised the walls to lesson this impact and the hospitality building will have uniquely designed water capture & drainage channels surrounding the building & site to allow for large volumes of water.
Does the design take in to account the Dark Sky initiative?
Yes, A lighting strategy has been devised that honors the dark skies surrounding Kaikōura; the value of this for both the local community and ecology, whilst also providing safe, activation opportunities for the wharf space into the evening. From a design perspective it is the intent to keep light pollution low and reduce any adverse effects on the dark skies; from a surrounding residential, wider community and ecological fauna point of view.
Has consideration been given to the impact of sea level rise and climate change impacts?
Yes absolutely. Of course, as the land rose in excess of 1 metre after the 2016 earthquake the likelihood of impact of sea level rise over the next 20-30 years has lessened. That aside the exterior design and water channeling allows for severe storm impacts from multiple directions and extreme high tides. Independent analysis has been undertaken to ascertain the impact as best we can from coastal processes and considering any future changes required over the coming years.
Will this development impact the beach?
No, the development will not be impacting or encroaching on the beach area immediately to the east of the site. Any parking changes are focused only on the road reserve surrounding the development.
Are the roads changing at Wakatu Quay?
Yes, a one-way, single lane road at Wakatu Quay to Lower Ward Street is planned. Council approved this in 2022 due to a historical issue were a private boundary extends into the existing roadway and the landowner has requested that it is corrected. KDC is working with the landowner on the change of this area.
The Wakatu Quay road will be redeveloped and sealed with parking added within walking distance of the site and Avoca Street.
When will the development be complete and operational?
It is currently planned that construction will be completed by mid 2025 although this may change during the detailed design, consenting process and phasing of any build.
What happens next?
In April 2024 the project will be advertising for expressions of interest from contractors interested in participating in the build of the Wakatu Quay development. The project continues to work with interested parties both for investment and businesses interested in operating on the site as tenants. Anyone interested in being part of the development should contact the project team.