Current Notified Consents
Kaikōura District Council
Public Notice of Resource Consent application LU-2024-1964-00
(In accordance with sections 95, 95A and 95D of the Resource Management Act 1991)
Kaikōura District Council has received an application from Chapman-Lindsay Developments Ltd for a resource consent at 162-164 Esplanade, Kaikōura, being Lot 1 DP 1130 & Lot 2 DP 1130 for the following:
- The construction of 9 apartments in the Medium-Density Residential Zone with the following infringements of performance standards in the Kaikōura District Plan:
- Breaching 5.5m maximum building height
- Infringing of zoning density standards allowing for 1 residential unit per 500m2, the total site being approximately 2000m2, permitting 4 residential units
- Minor infringement of 35% maximum building coverage – proposed is 37%
The application includes an assessment of environmental effects. The application may be inspected at Kaikōura District Council Office or on Council’s website, Please contact a council planner on (03) 319 5026 if you have any questions about the application.
You may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that –
- adversely affects the environment; and
- does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission by sending a written or electronic submission to the Kaikōura District Council, PO Box 6, Kaikōura or email to: The submissions must be on Form 13. Copies of this form are also available at the Kaikoura District Council.
Submissions close on and must be at Council’s office no later than 4.00pm, 7 February 2025.
You must serve (send) a copy of your submission as soon as reasonably practicable to Chapman-Lindsay Developments Limited after serving your submission on the Kaikōura District Council.
Their address for the service is:
Submissions are now closed:
Summary of Submissions
Public Notice of Resource Consent application SU-2022-1874-00 & LU-2022-1875-00
(In accordance with sections 95, 95A and 95D of the Resource Management Act 1991)
Kaikōura District Council has received an application from Vicarage Views Ltd for a resource consent at 2 Mt Fyffe Road, Kaikōura, being Lot 1 DP 3364 and SECTION 34 Block X Mount Fyffe Survey District & PT SECTION 198 Kaikōura Suburban Registration District for the following:
- A subdivision creating 67-lots in the Residential B zone, with non-compliant lot sizes, averaging 553m2 also causing non-compliance with density standards for the Residential B zone
- High traffic generating activity resulting in more than 100 traffic movements per day
- Reducing internal intersections from 125m to approximately 65m
- The applicant looks to volunteer the following performance standards:
- 35% building coverage
- Lots 1-65 have a density standard of one dwelling per title or 500m2
- The remaining lots to have up to 10 residential units or one dwelling per 300m2
- Building height restrictions on the lots 91 & 92 for a maximum height of 5.5m
- A condition for recession planes where there is a building with a common wall along a boundary
- Reducing internal boundary setbacks to 1m
- The applicant seeks to not form the rights of way A and B to Council’s standard with turning bays
The application includes an assessment of environmental effects.
The application may be inspected at Kaikōura District Council Office or by downloading the application by clicking this link. Please contact a council planner on (03) 319 5026 if you have any questions about the application.
Making a Submission - Submissions now closed
Submissions for this application closed at 4.00pm, 3 March 2023. You can no longer make a submission for this application.
Will Doughty, Chief Executive Officer
More Information