About our roads
Kaikо̄ura District Council maintains 212km of local roads and 40 bridges in our district. Approximately half of our roads are sealed. Of the bridges, 32 are single lane and 6 apply weight restrictions. Waka Kotahi (NZTA) owns and maintains State Highway One, which includes Churchill Street and Beach Road (within the township). The Council also maintains approximately 42km of footpaths and over 400 streetlights.
Types of Project Works
Road Resurfacing
Think about it like giving your house a new coat of paint, it protects the road structure from moisture, but it doesn’t fix faults (like rotten boards).
Prior to resurfacing, your street may undergo a number of different works to improve the faults and drainage. These are done to ensure maximum value is achieved for the customer and the roading asset.
Road Reconstruction
This is like stripping off the weatherboards and replacing them, before painting the house.
This work is more extensive and can include building up the road or on a large scale, digging up and removal of material. Road reconstruction is only done when the cost of future repairs to the road is higher than reconstructing it.
Within two years of reconstruction, there will be a further resurfacing, to ensure the investment (road) is protected by adequate waterproofing.
Footpath Reconstruction
This involves the removal of the existing footpath surface and then the preparation of the base for a new surface.
Prior to a footpath reconstruction, Council may contact you about any non-compliant vehicle crossing (driveway) to your property and offer to work with you to make your vehicle crossing comply with Council’s standards and specifications
Transport Plans and Strategies
Key Issues identified LTP 2021-31
The Long‐Term Plan 2021‐2031 (the LTP) identified a significant backlog of road rehabilitation and reseal work, and made the commitment to address the backlog over the ten years of the LTP with an additional $5m to be spent over the 10 year period.
In 2021/2022, the first year of the LTP, just over $1.96 million was spent in road renewals and improvements for the year – more than double the usual spend in the years before the earthquake. Substantial reseals and road rehabilitation was completed on Hawthorne, Red Swamp, Mill, Mt Fyffe, Postmans and Schoolhouse Roads, resulting in 20% of the sealed road network being resurfaced in 2021-22. We look forward to updating you on the rural reseals that we achieved in 2022-23.
Infrastructure Procurement Strategy
You can read about our Infrastructure Procurement Strategy by clicking on the link below
/Council/Plans, Policies & Reports (NB all docs in folder direct linked to webpage)/POLICIES (NB Every doc in folder direct links to website)/Infrastructure Procurement Strategy
Road Closures - A Map of Closures and Further Information
Temporary Road Closures
The following tables provide notice of intent to close and approved temporary closures on the Kaikoura District road network (please note, these lists exclude State Highways which are controlled by New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi).
Vehicle Crossings
If you are planning to construct a new vehicle crossing please complete the application form below taking notes of the diagrams and map of the urban area map. As part of the application process an Invoice will be sent after Engineer approval.